N the Clique™

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Coming Soon...

Tired of socializing with the whole planet?

Socialize like humans have done for millennia...

Clique up... No clubs but social clubs...

You want to talk about your business? Fine, but keep it N the Clique™...

No traps, no tricks, no randos... Invite only...

Your gamer crew? Keep that on Discord. This site/app is going to mimic real social life with real people your clique knows and has met personally -- in person -- I have my ways of ensuring that...

One-time small membership fee to protect your identity N the Clique™ with a physical (patent-pending) keychain-sized device.

With that small one-time payment, I'll give you my patent-pending physical technology

An icon representing in-person friendship can be licensed to social media apps, so people will know who your real friends are...

Elections held optionally/periodically to keep/change your Alpha/Leader and keep the clique alive

Only Alphas/Leaders may send invites and nominate at most two captains

Sometimes, you're a leader in some cliques and a follower in others...

Once you're N the Clique™, you're free to start your own clique...

Stay away from people and cliques you don't vibe with...

Join multiple cliques or don't join at all...

Social butterfly? Join as many cliques as will invite you...

Currently undecided on how many cliques you can lead...


North America only

Secure encryption coming soon, but building very slowly -- be patient

I'll have limited association with cliques which I'm not associated with

No criminal behavior, and don't be a dick... three strikes you're out

Three strikes on the clique itself, not necessarily the members -- determined by moderators

Three strikes on members per clique -- determined by the clique itself

Strikes expire eventually

18 and up...

The only perma-banning will be for unauthorized access attempts and repeated criminal behavior

You're either N the Clique™, or you're not™

All rights reserved...

© ntheclique.com

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